Positive Policing – the Principles
1. Affirmation or Re-Affirmation of Sir Robert Peel’s 9 Principles (Begin With the End in Mind)
(Police are the public and the public are the police & the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.)
– The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder.
– The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions.
– Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.
– The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force.
– Police seek and preserve public favour not by catering to public opinion but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law.
– Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient.
– Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence
– Police should always direct their action strictly towards their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.
– The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.
2. Focusing on the Root(s) Causes of Crime and Problems
– Problems left un-attended can quickly develop into crimes
Not all problems become crimes – but, all crimes are problems (sometimes big problems). Solving problems and crimes requires a root problem solving approach. Roots can be deep and spread out over a variety of landscapes.
3. Community Policing Root Problem Solving Model – C.A.P.R.A.
(Seek First To Understand)
Clients – identify all internal and external (direct and indirect) involved
Acquire and Analyze – gather all the facts – intelligence led
Partnerships – one plus one equals three and more
Response – innovation and creativity (but can include enforcement)
Assessment – review, champion mistakes, readjust approach
4. Pre-Incident Prevention – not just Post Incident Correction
(Be Proactive)
The whole notion of never having the problem in the first place, or early identification, or attempting to be ahead of the curve
…proactive counter measures Our new reality is not ONLY about REACTING and RESPONDING – but ANTICIPATING, FORECASTING, IDENTIFYING and PREPARING for the New Challenges – and “action” in a PRO nature– PROACTIVE. Becoming a great Pro-Actor
5. Triage is Important
As social doctors, triage is a necessary component of a comprehensive approach.
Triage is Q1 and it is enforcement, investigation and protection.
6. There Is More Than One Right Answer (Think Win-Win)
Whether community problem solving in partnership or law enforcement, there are many ways of approach to deal with today’s problems. In other words, there is more than one right answer. Working from the premise that there is just one right answer, shuts down creativity and opens the doors to possible disaster.
7. Comprehensive Approach
A comprehensive approach includes prevention, education, communication (and also enforcement, investigation, intelligence). A package grounded on principles. Principles that ensure public trust, accountability, yet allow for innovative problem solving and enforcement approaches in an integrated – interdependent manner.
8. Community Consultation/Community Voice
Neither the Police and or Government do not have all the answers. Community consultation, discussion, collaboration is vital for a safe civil society. It is important to unleash the potential of the community voice – unleashing the blended voice.
9. Holistic Approach Includes Wrap-Around Services
Involving both direct and indirect clients related to the problem/crime that can provide support and wrap around services to prevent, reduce, treat, protect.
10. Long Term Investment – Law of the Farm…
Many of the partnerships and counter measures require courage and faith.
It has taken generations to work ourselves into the problems of today – the quick fix will not solve all our problems. We have to reinvest at the front end and hold the course for the long term payoffs.
11. 3rd Alternative Scorecard – a new scorecard for a new paradigm
Must integrate and use a new score card that captures the long term investment activities and energies.
12. Act on Low Hanging Fruit – Quick Hits Demonstrate Commitment & Priority to the Urgent
Some problems and crimes require immediate action. Utilizing a blended strategy that includes acting upon priority quadrant one issues quickly (when makes sense & reasonable) demonstrates resolve and that action speak louder than words.
13. New Leadership Model (Leadership Engine) Required
Shared leadership – a new leadership model must be applied
14. Not Just a Police Problem – Community Problem (OUR Problem).
Our Problems…Rules of Change – No involvement, no ownership
15. We Can Love Them Better – Why kids join gangs.
What ways can we show our kids we care? Asset Building philosophy (40 developmental asset approach)
16. Five Approaches for Community Policing
– Service
– Legitimacy – being legitimate to all clients needs and perspectives
– Deployment of resources – innovative ways to deploy (human and physical)
– Community revitalization (broken window theory) – take back the streets
– Problem solving – root
17. Trust & Trustworthiness
At the core of any relationship is trust through trustworthiness. Trust takes time, especially in a military, command & control or non-democratic society.
18. Reduction of Command & Control Decision Making to Empowered Decisions Based on M.E.A.L. by Front Line.
If it is Moral – Ethical – Affordable – Legal and the community on board
…just do it.
19. Connect and Re-Connect
To build relationships and trust, police, agencies, officials need to connect and re-connect with the community they serve. Seek first to understand.
20. Perception is Reality
Perception of crime and problems has to be managed
21. Dedicated Patrols – Not Random or Routine
Police and safety counter measures must be intelligence led, based on research , real time (COMSTAT) focusing on hot spots
22. Decentralized – Neighborhood Model with Centralized/Integrated Support
Connecting back with communities/neighborhoods.
Not just homeland security, but hometown security.
Moving from DETACHments to ATTACHments
23. Complete Transparency
Trust is built, real and perception of corruption is eliminated when there is full transparency. Information must flow between police and community.
24. Integrated Approach – Recognizing the Goal as Interdependence
Integrated approach to deal with community social issues, problems and crime.
The next shift after integration is interdependence.
25. Guaranteeable Surprises
Remember, there are such things as PREDICTABLE SURPRISES – in fact, they are…
GUARANTEEABLE SUPRISES – let the problem grow or worsen over time, delay taking action and maintain the status quo.
26. Transformational Change Takes Time and an Inside Out Approach
Develop Your Team > Inside – Out Approach…develop your inside first, then the outside service delivery success will come
27. Continuity
Great leaders will not only be change agents, adapting with the challenges. They will be continuity agents. Continuity – holding steady to the course (the vision the long term investment) during times of crisis and turbulence.